June 10th
1. One registration form must be completed for each child. Email to request the form.
2. Cost for Breakfast Club is $50 per month (contingent on funding). Registration requires payment of first and last month's fees.
3. Should you require outreach services please contact Eric Banumas, our Family Outreach Worker at 519-498-7281 or prior to registration.
Filling Bellies, Fueling Potential
Through our daily breakfast club program, we are investing in the future of children and youth. The ripple effects are seen and felt within families, schools, and communities!

Providing Breakfast ...
Click the Squares to Learn More!
Giving Kids a Head Start!

"I liked when we made pancakes with chocolate chips! They filled my hungry belly!"
- A.G, age 6
"'s always fun to make new friends. When I see other people make new friends it makes my heart super warm. That's why you need to come to the breakfast club..."
- M.L, age 10